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But dad, it's me, Shitface!

Posted : 16 years, 1 month ago on 30 January 2009 07:28 (A review of Seed of Chucky)

when seeing advertisements for this movie, i was a bit skeptical to see if this one was just a quest to make more money like most new movie installments are. whatever the reason was, this movie had me laughing for almost the entire duration. taking place after the last chapter which was Bride of Chucky; out pops a spawn from the two murderous dolls. after reuniting with his parents, arguments arise; mainly about what sex they're child is, being that he is not anatomically correct. On top of that is each parent bonding in their own way with the child, including killing as a family and sending the little one all kinds of mixed signals on what he/she should and want to be. good amount of violence as usual, God Bless the Little People!

Puppeteer: This little shitface isn't even anatomically correct!
Glen: It's a condition!
Puppeteer: I found shitface here in a graveyard in America, where he nearly ripped my throat apart!
Glen: I was trying to give him a hug!

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Blood Bag.. Cool.

Posted : 16 years, 1 month ago on 27 January 2009 07:48 (A review of Ichi the Killer: Blood Pack [Region 1] [US Import] [NTSC])

This review is for the DVD itself as well as the packaging, not the film. I feel that a packaging option like this (this film deserved something over the top) is very unique; in fact it is the only of it's kind on my shevles. 1 out of five hundred plus DVD cases that actually has a pullout bag with two slits, one for each DVD to come out. Though this is more of a collectors item; i dont have the single disc version of it, so when i want to watch i have to fight a little bit with the material to squeeze my movie through it. Very tough when not tampered with for a while; but completley worth the battle to get out one of the discs. Recived as a gift (not sure if it was birthday or Christmas) from my grilfriend, took me by surprise that inside the sac which looks a bit like and iv bag filled with blood was two discs of complete and uteerly original violence..straight from Japan.

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I Gave Him Life!

Posted : 16 years, 1 month ago on 27 January 2009 07:38 (A review of Re-Animator (1985))

the 1985 film directed by Stuart Gordon and written by H.P. Lovecraft and Dennis Paoli, about a doctor named Herbert West who trasnfers to a medical school in the United States to finish his research on brain life and possible re-animation. Deemed as strange from his roomate and thought as a fool by his professor, defiant Herbert goes against moral issues and so called "fact" and takes matters into his own hands (as he did overseas) and pulls out his green serum; bringing those both human and feline who have recently passed back to life...with horrifying effects. Springing back to life and attacking West in the upmost of savage manner, are everything which posses the green dose in his bottle. Even with some ticks still in the serum, it seems to find it's way into a slew of sources. This film has all kinds of dismemeberments with shovels, saws, and even the infamous "head giving head" scene just about made my hands sore from clapping so hard when they screened it at Monster Mania a few years back.

Dan Cain: [Dan's cat has died and been found in Herbert's refrigerator] You can call, or write a note.
Herbert West: I was busy pushing bodies around as you well know and what would a note say, Dan? "Cat dead, details later"?

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...In Fact, I Saw More Than Half!

Posted : 16 years, 1 month ago on 27 January 2009 07:27 (A review of Easy Money)

I know all of the movies starring Rodney Dangerfield are good becuase of him making some sort of degrading joke on his behalf and another right after it; just sticking with you and making you laugh out of shear enjoyment and nod your head due to how hard some cracks he says akwardly roll off his tounge, for example: My wife loves to talk during sex; just the other week she called me from a motel. Cruel but hilarious; which brings me to this movie entitled "Easy Money" about a man named Monty who has quite a few habbits that are view as less than politicaly correct; drugs, drinking, and weight issues. At last his dream comes true and his mother in law (we all know how much we love our in laws) dies, and even better and a fortune is left to him and his family- With a catch. Monty must clean up his ways in order to receive 10 million dollars to do with as he pleases with his wife and children. Easy Money, right? Wrong! along side of him, coaching him through this is his good friend Nicky Cerone; who only makes matters worse by living an awful lifestyle right in front of Monty, not even trying to set a good example. Wedding cakes fly through vans, Nicky attacks quite a few people (but then again what is a film without Joe Pesci attacking someone?) and just about every vice in this world gets thrown in Monty's face while trying to achieve a goal and maintain some sort of a decent lifestyle. I bought this on VHS a while ago and tried rewinding it; only to look into the machine 5 minutes later to find out my film inside the tape broke and its just reeling backwards.. heartbreaking. soon enough I will pick this DVD up.

Saleslady: May I help you?
Monty: No, we're just browsing
Saleslady: How long do you intend to browse
Monty: that lady over there, You didn't ask her how long she's going to browse.
Saleslady: You don't look like browsers
Nicky: Yeah, what do browsers look like.
Monty: Yeah, maybe I'm half browser.
Nicky: Yeah, on his mother's side.

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..Or We Can Be LYCANS!

Posted : 16 years, 1 month ago on 26 January 2009 06:12 (A review of Underworld: Rise of the Lycans)

The third installment of the Underworld series; more of a prequel to set the standards for the previous two films. Set back in time a few centuries from the original; this takes place in the middle age era, weapons including swords and bows, no guns around yet. Seeing that fact I knew I was in for a treat, being that guns do a lot of damage but don’t show a lot of bloodflow; they might leave a person in a puddle but they don’t cut a person in two or send arterial sprays throughout the screen. Opening up with the vampires in the area controlling lycans (not direct descendants of William, but actual controllable warewolves through their genetic start at Lucious) to remain human through a necklace which would puncture them if they grew too big. Both upset about being in his situation along with his brothers and in love with the master’s daughter Sonya; Lucious knew something had to be done soon to conquer both challenges he faced. As the movie continues on, a few faces will graze the screen which will look familiar to you, these are the characters in the future installments and their stories just about start in this chapter. The few holes I thought this film did not fill in for me were answered right towards the last seconds of the film; and I am most likely going to see this film again in theatres after viewing the first two of course. It was a good feeling watching the ending, not much like the first time witnessing a surprise in a movie; you can ever go back and forget it again (unless you get REALLY stoned.) Again, as always, seeing a film like this in the theatres (unless you have one of your own) really makes it better; and this one is definitely one to catch on the big screen. If you can see it on a weekday or early on the weekend, it would be better; as this flick dragged a lot of stupid teenagers with stupid shit to say during the film.

Viktor: I should have crushed your skull under my heel when you were born.
Lucian: Yes, you should have.
[Rams his sword down Viktor's throat]
Lucian: But you didn't

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Something Unspeakable Has Come Home..

Posted : 16 years, 1 month ago on 22 January 2009 07:36 (A review of Dead of Night)

Also named "Dead of Night" and "Night Walk"; this 1974 movie directed by Bob Clark starring Richard Backus as Andy Brooks, a Vietnam veteran who comes home with a devastating secret.. He's Dead! Killed during battle overseas, his body is kept in motion through the thoughts and prayers of his mother telling him not to die; only this is not the same young man shipped off to war his mother used to know and love. Andy stays in his room and avoids contact with almost everyone, yet ventures out in the night to commit horrid acts of murder. As bodies begin to stack up and evidence points more and more at the Brooks residence, Andy's father begins to question him and his nightly activities. Instead of kicking down doors and taking no prisoners, police officers talk to Andy's father and let him know his son has been seen at a murder scene and his actions and attitude in general seems to fit him into a homicidal stereotype. More of a suspense film and well made for it's time; I myself am a fan of the premises and was not disappointed therefore with the lack of gore and visual violence. The downward spiral and uncovering of several horrifying truths kept me sucked into this film; and this is for fans more of "Halloween" then "Friday the 13th".

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You'll Shoot Your eye out!!

Posted : 16 years, 1 month ago on 22 January 2009 07:18 (A review of A Christmas Story)

The 1983 classic tale of a kid and his hopes for the perfect Christmas gift. Not every child in the world wants a Red Ryder BB gun for that special end of the year holiday, but the drive that young Ralphie has is the same as all of us when we were his age. Think back, to when you saw that commercial or that ad in the paper and you became fixated on that present; wanting to open that and that specifically for Christmas. Along side of his goal of opening that long thin gift in the shape of his dreams are his everyday struggles; from an annoying puffed out brother, to the bully that once in a lifetime every kid had to deal with. With a range of films from "Porky's" to "Deathdream" and then back to this holiday classic; Bob Clark doesn't miss a step or in my mind have a talent more in one type of movie than the other. Bottom line, he is a good director no matter what script he is trying to bring to life. Winning 2 Genie Awards, both best Screenplay and best Achievement in direction for this movie, I couldn't imagine being alive without having this to put on around Christmas time. Such a good movie that in New York there is a station that plays 24 hours of this movie, back to back! Never seeming to be outdated as far as family antics, bad fake Santa Clauses at department stores, and beating up bullys to a bloody pulp in the snow. Thanks for giving us all something to watch during the holiday season.

Ralphie: Oooh fuuudge!
Ralphie as Adult: [narrating] Only I didn't say "Fudge." I said THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the "F-dash-dash-dash" word!
Mr. Parker: [stunned] *What* did you say?
Ralphie: Uh, um...
Mr. Parker: That's... what I thought you said. Get in the car. Go on!
Ralphie as Adult: [narrating] It was all over - I was dead. What would it be? The guillotine? Hanging? The chair? The rack? The Chinese water torture? Hmmph. Mere child's play compared to what surely awaited me.

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He Wants to Play a Game...

Posted : 16 years, 1 month ago on 20 January 2009 03:07 (A review of Saw)

the 2004 movie that started the series, about lessons learned in life; the hard way. Danny Glover plays a detective on a hunt to find a madman who’s victims deaths are just they’re failures of an unsuspecting unwilling game. The game depends on how they view life and what they choose to take for granted; setting up the room they die in and how they get helped before they even realize it. The main game taken place in this film is with two people in it, trapped in a room with a chain on their foot and a dead man in the middle of them. Both have to cooperate in order to play the game, and both of them have secrets, form both the world and each other. This film came out before there was hype in the series, when it was just a horror film with not that big of an audience. I decided to give it a chance because I haven’t seen a film idea like this in a new movie and I also had some money to blow on movie tickets. (Trying to help out a smaller twin type theater that ending up closing anyways. Great.) I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and thought the plot stuck, not too many holes in it or boring scenes of dialogue. The movie starts already into the game and preludes it within the next 30 minutes; how each person got there along with flashes of they’re past. Just enough to give you some idea of what they do in life. The idea of a killer who doesn’t actually kill anyone brought curiosity to see and gave me the idea of a good horror film series in my lifetime. Able to catch the last episodes of Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street bummed me out and after the shocking ending of this film; I looked forward to the next installment.

John: [on videotape] Hello Amanda. You don't know me, but I know you. I want to play a game. Here's what happens if you lose. The device you are wearing is hooked into your upper and lower jaw. When the timer in the back goes off, your mouth will be permanently ripped open. Think of it like a reverse bear trap. Here, I'll show you. There is only one key to open the device. It's in the stomach of your dead cellmate. Look around Amanda. Know that I'm not lying. Better hurry up. Live or die, make your choice.

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What The Fuck is Juice?

Posted : 16 years, 1 month ago on 20 January 2009 03:05 (A review of Dave Chappelle - For What It's Worth)

One of the few DVDs on my shelf that makes me smile every time I watch and/or think about watching. The first standup special since Dave got Chappelle’s show, where he discusses random people shouting lines from the series like “I’m Rick James Bitch!” while him and his family are at Disneyland. Aside from thanking the audience on blowing up with success, Dave discusses hostage standoff situations in San Francisco and pow wows with Native Americans that work at Wal Mart. Good jokes in all, I can't seem to watch this without smoking a bit for the man himself; Dave Chappelle. After all, he only smokes with white guys now.

Dave Chappelle: [Impersonating a Korean man] Hey! What make you think I am Chinese? I am KOREAN. Do I look Chinese?
Dave Chappelle: [Dave looks around confused] Yes, motherfucker, you do look Chinese, That's why I said it.

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Highly Reccomended!

Posted : 16 years, 1 month ago on 19 January 2009 03:51 (A review of Inside (Unrated))

- Opening with a car accident of a pregnant woman and her husband, showing blood-soaked hands and leaving little to the imagination; even with gory dripping type text in the opening credits. Hearing many things about this film being good led me to buy it without watching prior in good faith from the dimension extreme company and they’re mostly good horror films. Learning the same editor was hired for this film as both French films High Tension and P2 (Baxter) got my hopes up for a good movie on top of the good reviews. Out from the hospital and sent home for what the doctor calls her “last night of peace and quiet”, the pregnant woman goes home for a scheduled birth the next day. Deciding to be alone in spite of friends and family wanting to spend Christmas Eve with her, depression is kicking worse then the baby. All alone, with a child about to be brought in this world, fatherless. Almost as if things could not get worse for her. Then she gets a knock at the door after two disturbing dreams, a visit from a woman who knows her name and makes the situation that much more creepy. The excuse was at first to use the phone through her house due to a broke down car, and then quickly turned into a woman who knows her name and all about her husband who has recently died. At this point in time I would like to thank the police department on they’re amazing job to secure the perimeters and lock up Sarah’s house; by the way I am being completely sarcastic. While sound asleep, our special guest finds a way in, the discovery of her through the film is very suddel, she is just next to Sarah’s bed, watching her and examining her stomach. Now we know it’s a horror flick; thanks bad cops. Tension makes me bite my lip as Sarah waits trapped in her bathroom and the vicious woman poses as her mother to her chief editor who stops by to see if everything is alright. I’m waiting here just begging inside my head for her to scream for help. Like some other flicks, the body count rises and more people decide to come over in the quite harsh environment. After seeing the weapon of choice used by this stalker, I’m going to be a lot nicer to my lesbian friends… Scissors can do damage to guys! I’m glad to see the struggle between the bloody scissor carrying psycho and the bathroom door; showing no superhuman strength and making the story that much more believable. With every confrontation and battle Sarah faces, there is also a view not only from her or her attacker but the child inside her as well. Wearing all black and staying in the shadow at almost all times, this wannabe mom is a nightmare. Thought out is almost every move; making escaping alive out of the house almost impossible. She came for the baby, and not even cops are going to stop her. Every time there seems to be an end and someone comes to save the day, some sharp object comes out of a sleeve and ends up in the maniac’s hands on one end… and in an unsuspecting body part of someone else. All of the gore pictured and displayed in this film is a treat to the eye, I feel like it’s fucking Halloween! The ending of this picture proves most shocking and shows relevance to the whole other 80 minutes, so be sure to pick this up as soon as you can!

Sarah: What kind of man would fuck a maniac like you?

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