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Here Snipe, Clap Clap Clap...

Posted : 15 years, 9 months ago on 30 May 2009 07:36 (A review of Up)

Finally this movie is out in theatres, after much promotion and anticipation from most of my friends as the next great pixar movie that disney put out. Agreed, this is the best animated movie i have seen since Bolt; there was only one thing that cast me away from it. A very sad movie, not the kind of sad i would have thought either; a journey gone wrong and the duo must find they're way home, not that at all. A very upsetting opening showing a young Carl Fredrickson falling in love with Ellie, his female counterpart who had the same taste as him for adventure. Knowing she is not in the main plot, something bad has to happen as the years go by and they spend time together; leading to the current times of Mr. Fredrickson; all alone. Joining him on his trip he vowed (crossed his heart) to make to Pleasant falls was little russel, a wilderness scout trying to earn his "helping the elderly" badge and found himself on the old man's porch as it lifted from the ground on thousands of helium filled balloons. Dont get the wrong impression that the film is purely sad, im just not into those type of movies. When the funny parts kicked in, they really hit hard to the entire audience on all levels; kids and older viewers too. The constant sturggles and battles faced in this movie remind me the most of the film "The Incredibles", being the antagonist was someone Mr. Fredrickson much looked up to and actually was his reason for craving adventure as a younger man and child. in that sense, the script was flipped between the two opposing forces, but the rivalry found its way onto the screen and didn't disappoint. i reccomend seeing it in 3D, some parts wouldent make sense with the 2D format, but either way you see the film, it'll be an "Adventure".

Russell: [from trailer] Good afternoon. Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?
Carl Fredricksen: No.
Russell: I could help you cross the street.
Carl Fredricksen: No.
Russell: I could help you cross your yard?
Carl Fredricksen: No.
Russell: I could help you cross...
Carl Fredricksen: No!
[closes the door on Russell's foot]
Russell: Ow.

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I'm gonna cut your God damn head off.

Posted : 15 years, 10 months ago on 7 May 2009 08:47 (A review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine)

After a few months of anticipation (more than any of the X-Men movies) i finally got a chance to see this last night; and honestly wasn't that disappointed. Most of the things that did bring me down were wardrobe choices I didn't agree with (project 11's in particular) and certain characters still not making their way into the film series. Even though, I was looking forward to two characters in particular to make their first appearance; Deadpool and Gambit. Both characters had a decent roll in the film, and if you think deadpool wasn't seen enough (almost like the death of Darth Maul in Star Wars episode 1) stay past the credits for a usual marvel surprise clip. Though many people knew Wolverine's past going into this film, things still had to be explained throughout the movie for everyone seeing it to be on board with the story of how he came to be. I was actually happy to see the animal side of Hugh Jackman; which never played his part nearly as good as he did in this movie. Not that I'm saying he was bad, but X-men Origins unleashed the animal in him. One of the only things i really thought the film could do without was the image of professor X: now the back of his head was fine as he talked in the film, but turning the camera around to seeing his face just really wasn't needed. Definitely good to check out in the theaters, for there are awesome trailers full of action as well as laughs. I can't wait to see Up.

William Stryker: [from trailer] You were sentenced to death for decapitating a Senior Officer. Your sentence was carried out by a firing squad at ten hundred hours. How'd that go?
Logan: It tickled.
William Stryker: My name is Major William Stryker. You boys tired of running? Tired of denying your true nature? Tired of wars?
Victor Creed: Why do you care?
William Stryker: Oh I care. I care because I know how valuable you are. I'm putting together a special team, with special privileges. So tell me, after defending this country for 150 years and 4 wars, how would you like to really serve your country?
William Stryker: Welcome to the war.

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It Was Just a Booty Call!!!

Posted : 15 years, 10 months ago on 6 May 2009 05:59 (A review of Fatal Attraction)

Geez, talk about a Crazy White Bitch!! This movie was assigned for my girlfriend to watch for college regarding the topic of mental disorders and instead of letting her suffer alone, i decided to watch it with her; after all how much could one movie hurt me? The buildup of the situation was steady and at a pace everyone could follow, especially when she drops the bomb on him and shows her true side. Not the adult interested in one night of unattached infidelity with a married man, but a manic depressive psycho hell bent on keeping that married man for herself-By Any Means Necessary. Many stunts she pulls would have had me killing her minutes into the film, but then again I found her to be as attractive as an alien from the great John Carpenter film "They Live". FORMALDEHYDE FACE! It's a sad fact that not only are there men willing to throw away what they've worked at for years, but there are really women out there as crazy and dare i say MORE crazy then the one depicted by Glenn Close. If you are into this type of film i would recommend it, and there were quite a few situations i could relate to with the poor Mr. Dan Gallagher so yes, this film did achieve it's goal in the sub genre it was aiming for as one of the ones that stands out.

Telephone Operator: Operator. May I help you?
Alex Forrest: Operator, I've been trying to get 555-8129. 212? The recording says its been disconnected.
Telephone Operator: Just a moment please.
Telephone Operator: I'm sorry, the number's been changed to an unlisted number.
Alex Forrest: Operator, this is a real emergency please. You need to give me that number.
Telephone Operator: I'm sorry. We're not allowed to give out that information.
Alex Forrest: Well *fuck you*!
Telephone Operator: My place or yours?
[Alex slams phone]

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Trapped in Time, Sourounded by Evil. Low on Gas.

Posted : 15 years, 11 months ago on 20 April 2009 09:02 (A review of Army of Darkness (1992))

Much less of an movie, and more of an adventure! Taken back through the Neckronomicon to the middle ages along with your favorite one-armed bad ass is the third installment in the Evil Dead series. A completley different tale than that of the first two, almost stands by itself as oppose to a chapter in a series. Of course there are scares and an army of the undead, but as far as the overall creepiness goes to the old cabin, this film doesn't have that in the slightest. Not like it's a bad thing, it just a different approach to display the character of Ash as played by Bruce Campbell. Much more mature and ready for battle with everything from miniature versions of himself, his evil half, and thousands of deadites returning to capture the necronomicon for their master, Evil Ash. The humor and fight sequences in this film make it a hard one to watch only once; and out of all the people i have talked with about this movie, everyone of those people love it.

Ash: Lady, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store.
Possessed woman: Who the hell are you?
Ash: Name's Ash.
[cocks rifle]
Ash: Housewares.

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Give Me a FUCKING Reason!!!

Posted : 15 years, 11 months ago on 8 April 2009 05:53 (A review of Adventureland)

last night there was a choice, which depended entirely on how stoned my girlfriend and i were; of what movie to see. You can guess the pot was good because we chose the comedy over the action flick. Originally about the Adventureland 20 minutes away from my house, this movie movie did a good job at showing both the drag of working at a local amusement park and the tricky ways games were set in order for the people who went to the parks never got to win a giant ass panda. Intertwined was a kind of romance between James Brennan, (a new employee who had plans to go to Europe with classmate but had to work and help pay for his school after finances went south with his family) and Em Lewin, a person who was working there way too long and saved James from getting stabbed over a panda. Quite a few instances were funny, but dont go to see this if you got plans with a friend; it's way more of a date movie than it is a "Superbad" type flick. I'm not knocking it for that, I'm just trying to save you $10.00 and an akward 90 minutes with your bro.

"Your a game guy. You already have a shirt, plus I pulled out the games application."

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She's NOT one of us!!

Posted : 15 years, 11 months ago on 2 April 2009 03:29 (A review of Freaks)

Wow. what a fucking movie. if you ever felt like you wanted to see what this was about, you should. Not one bit of special effects, nor are there any violent scenes; just the disturbing ones of life itself and how imperfect it truly is.
A story of a little man who falls for a trapeze artist from the circus he is a part of; and instead of send him back to his loving wife, the bitch decides to let him think she is interested in him. Causing a downward spiral for the man, she continues to lead him on until they decide to get married; the main benefit being not love, but money he has... and poison will play a big part. Before too long, Cleopatra shows how she truly feels at diner while being honored by fellow circus members, lashing out and calling them freaks. That brings her scheme with Hercules to a grinding halt and following is one of the most frightening scenes in cinematic history. No help on this side, no help on that side; only freaks closing in (holding weapons.. with or without arms!). i liked the way they flashed back, and the whole movie itself was a tale leading up to what happened to the poor freak of nature. too bad for this woman, no one feels pity.

Frieda: I was saying, tonight you must not smoke such a big cigar. Your voice was very bad at tonight's show.
Hans: Please, Frieda, don't tell me what I do. When I want a cigar, I smoke a cigar. I want no orders from a woman.

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Please do not disturb Evelyn. She already is.

Posted : 16 years ago on 5 March 2009 09:38 (A review of Mountaintop Motel Massacre)

Reading the synopsis from this movie i decided to pick it up along with another bid to save on shipping, every flick ive seen pertaining to a disturbed person with a motel always cought my attention and good vote; and at the price i payed for it, i could always relist it or chuck it. Opening scene grabbed my attention, consisting of Evelyn (the motel owner) murdering a bunny; then immediatley walking into her daughter Lori's room and killing her as well. Now that's some punishment for having you're bunny out of control and running about outside. the next following days seem to drag on for a bit, but then guests come to stay from all over the place, so a nice body count is sure to appear in the short future. Hiding the secret of access to all the guest's rooms through a tunnel underground, Evelyn sneaks into each cabin and leaves a special prize; different for each guest. sometimes a bunch of roaches, maybe a snake for another guest; great hospitality, don't you think?

Lori: Mama, you've got to kill them. They know you're crazy. They're gonna send you back to the hospital. Everyone must die.

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I'm Drawing a Blank.

Posted : 16 years ago on 1 March 2009 09:31 (A review of Final Exam)

During a final exam in a small college in North Carolina, a van full of masked men pull up to a school in a van and unload both themselves and bullets to almost anyone they see and could fire their guns upon. realizing its a joke, many people's guards are up and they find very little funny about what was done. Little do they know, the next bit of terror that unfolds in no prank. Stalked in the college by a man person who stays in the shadows, and wants blood. Waiting for someone to die in this film sometimes sucks because all that is going on is stupid fraternity shit, which could add to the satisfaction I’ll get watching these kids die. When police don’t arrive due to their lack of belief from the man before who cried wolf, the remaining students are left to take charge and fend for themselves. Ah, the law. Im reading the credits for this movie now, and the name Gene Poole streams across my screen, very peculiar.

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I Warned You Not To Go Out Tonight...

Posted : 16 years ago on 1 March 2009 09:29 (A review of Maniac)

Holy Shit. A word that flew through my mind more times then I could count. More than a movie, this piece of work directed by William Lustig felt like a peak into the mind of a maniac; First Hand. Set in the early 80’s in New York, Following the everyday life of a man named Frank Zito; everything from his apartment to the conversations he has with his mirror regarding the violent deaths of people. The role played by Joe Spinell was worthy in my eyes to be considered “Twilight Zone” Material; Where the acting itself captured you. On my list of favorites was the acting itself, though the violence, setting, special FX makeup, and his manikins were all amazing; it didn’t creep me out like the thought of someone out there just like Frank. Almost never making sense and randomly brutalizing New York’s residents, The only word that fit Frank was Maniac. Back to the word you saw towards the middle, Violence. This film has some of the most gruesome, unpredictable death scenes in the film; that projects a feeling similar to fucking car crashing in your living room wall while you are watching a movie. no guessing the man behind the special effects, none other than Tom Savini; also making himself a victim in the film. so much good madness, it was nomiated for the 1981 Saturn Award for the best low budget movie.

[looks down at his latest victim]
Frank Zito: Now you tell me what I should do. I heard about it, I always do. I can't go out for a minute. It's impossible. Fancy girls, in their fancy dresses and lipstick, laughing and dancing. Should you stop them? I can't stop them. But you do, don't you? And they can't laugh and they can't dance anymore. You've got to stop, or they'll take you away from me. I will never, ever, let them take you away from me. You're mine now forever. And, I'm so happy.

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The unHappy Finish.

Posted : 16 years ago on 1 March 2009 08:03 (A review of Feast III: the Happy Finish)

the third and last installment of the series called FEAST, of the few survivoirs from the last film coming across what seems to be a prophet that could send away the monsters with a simple command. Stumbled upon this new talent, they team together with him along with a couple other people who seem more than capable to help lead the group out of danger; but like in both other installment, who meet their blood soaked fate much sooner they thought they would. Much like the innovations and different techniques were shown in the 2nd film, the 3rd one offers it's own addition of monster sex, monster shit, and half breed killers to contribute to the series and be worthy of a decent conclusion. i myself like the polt of the first one, and truley believe only one could have done it. Not sure if they did the other two right of wrong; becuase however amazed i am to see the same group back again and agian ready to take on the beasts, I feel the first chapter pretty much made enough (on its own) impact. Regardless of thatm this is about the third one; great chapter, somewhat closes the series, and is exactly what you think it is; with few small twists hoever.

Bartender: We're gonna move in fast, and hard.. Kill everyone.
Jean Claude Segal: How am i gonna do that? i have no arms.
Bartender: You only need legs to kick ass boy, now comon!

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