THE film from a comic. Delivered from two brilliant minds, comic novelist Frank Miller and Legend Robert Rodriguez team up to take this comic off the pages and put it up on the silver screen. Why I didn't see this movie in the theatres is beyond me; in fact id like to go back in time to when i was at a movie i didnt really want to see and kick myself in the nuts JUST before i bought the tickets. Summing up the dark nights of an area just like every other city in the world; a few events being told, narrated, and actually tied into one another by the film's end. Every tale, though they take a dive in their own direction bring you back to that one bar, or driving down that one strip; showing how busy and how dangerous a single city can be. Anything where law is not the iron fist of what it is today gets me excited; and the town where hookers rule as killers who can defend themselves is an awesome idea which spawn quite a few violent death scenes that more than treat the eye. I didn't quite catch why some blood was white or yellow and some blood was red as usual; me and the Mrs. guessed maybe in some scenes you weren't able to see the slpatter on dark clothes or skin, both colors made their point. Thumbs up on Every part in this film; every cast member brought out their character as if it was their freaking destiny. See this film... Yesterday!!
Marv: I had to fight some cops.
Lucille: Oh, that's lovely. You didn't happen to kill any of them, did you?
Marv: Nah, I don't think so, but they know they been in a fight, that's for sure.
Hell of a Way to End a Partnership.

He left me his c-c-c... He left me his c-c-c...

... Oh, he fucking gave me this. Fuck! Ass!
Violent, trigger happy, full of beer; and most of all entertaining! Two brothers wage war on the entire Russian mob after two thugs representing Russia attempt to kill them as the result of extortion goes wrong. Leaving the bar and heading straight to the hospital is the last way Ivan Chekov saw his plan to control the bar would go, and never saw the toilet coming from the 5th floor; Where you going? Fucking Nowhere! Realizing it won't stop withthe Russians after the death of these two thugs; the McManus arm themselves and go on a bloody rampage to cut down the entire mob with extreme prejiduce. O, do they ever! Bringing that many pennies to a soon to be shot out scene ensures that they know how many bodies they will make cold. I really enjoyed the lead detective Paul Smecker's (william Dafoe) views of the crimes, and scenes of reinactment where he is along side of the two assailants while the shots are being fired or in the middle of a shootout conducting the music being played as rounds disperse towards the enemy. The cleaner of filth in their southern Boston turf; these fraternal twins are applauded and cheered on by their peirs and neighbors as well as deep in the mind of the detective. Should he be looking to capture and prosecute killers who are ridding their town of scum and filth that inhabit it? What an Awesome Movie!
Doc: You know what they say: People in glass houses sink sh-sh-ships.
Rocco: Doc, I gotta buy you, like, a proverb book or something. This mix'n'match shit's gotta go.
Doc: What?
Connor: A penny saved is worth two in the bush, isn't it?
Murphy: And don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen.
Violent, trigger happy, full of beer; and most of all entertaining! Two brothers wage war on the entire Russian mob after two thugs representing Russia attempt to kill them as the result of extortion goes wrong. Leaving the bar and heading straight to the hospital is the last way Ivan Chekov saw his plan to control the bar would go, and never saw the toilet coming from the 5th floor; Where you going? Fucking Nowhere! Realizing it won't stop withthe Russians after the death of these two thugs; the McManus arm themselves and go on a bloody rampage to cut down the entire mob with extreme prejiduce. O, do they ever! Bringing that many pennies to a soon to be shot out scene ensures that they know how many bodies they will make cold. I really enjoyed the lead detective Paul Smecker's (william Dafoe) views of the crimes, and scenes of reinactment where he is along side of the two assailants while the shots are being fired or in the middle of a shootout conducting the music being played as rounds disperse towards the enemy. The cleaner of filth in their southern Boston turf; these fraternal twins are applauded and cheered on by their peirs and neighbors as well as deep in the mind of the detective. Should he be looking to capture and prosecute killers who are ridding their town of scum and filth that inhabit it? What an Awesome Movie!
Doc: You know what they say: People in glass houses sink sh-sh-ships.
Rocco: Doc, I gotta buy you, like, a proverb book or something. This mix'n'match shit's gotta go.
Doc: What?
Connor: A penny saved is worth two in the bush, isn't it?
Murphy: And don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen.

You Are About to Enter A New Dimension..

THE Television series. Creator Rod serling's twisted ideas put down into episodes covering everything from Lapses in time and planets to man vs. man for survival of an unsure future. Paranoia. Dislusions. Madness. Even Irony, All episodes have some way of touching it's viewers by the end of it; leaving them wanting to tune in for the next week's tale. Oh, to be alive and see these air on TV; even seeing episodes for the first time late night on TV give me reason to stay up until 1 A.M. or later. It's hard to pick a favorite episode, but i think i'll be posting some sort of thread and see what you, it's fans like the best as well as myself. Realizing within the first two or so minutes what episode is about to treat your eyes, though you've seen it over and over, and you will enjoy one more time is compared to no TV shows i could think of. "Oh shit, turn this up!" as oppose to "I've seen this one, what else is on?" THE BEST SHOW EVER!!!

Once Again I Ask Too Much Of You Harry.

The 6th and latest chapter in the Harry Potter Series, Drawing more of a picture and leading you through another School year at Hogwart's School. The Half Blood Prince finds it's way to being the title and important in this story Because Harry stumbles upon a Potions book, and while looking to see who it belonged to last; it states only that it belonged to the half blood prince. Filled with better guessitmations on potions and spells and such makes professors and students that much more inclined to think that he is the chosen one. The point of this movie did get across to viewers to my left and to my right in the theatre; but did not deliver the goods like the last chapter did. Yes, there were unfortunate things that occured, but even people who read these agreed this movie was just a lead up to the next film. The dark lord himself only appeared as a child as his minions did his dirty work. Anything else spoiled in this review will get me a spell cast from a pissed fan so i'll stop here. The one thing that actually stayed with me and left me remembering throughout was the blonde student Luna Lovegood and her every action being nothing short of hilarious.
Arthur Weasley: Times like these, dark times, they do funny things to people. They can tear them apart.
Arthur Weasley: Times like these, dark times, they do funny things to people. They can tear them apart.

His Portrait Hangs...

The newest release by Brooklyn's own Necro; and in my mind the best Album to date by him. Every track has it's own story, unlike some of his other songs which either strike a similar resemblance to one another or are taken samples of older more famous songs already written by others. Necro not only raps better and faster in this CD, but he also fits alot more words with smoother transitions in each of his songs. Blastbeats also find there way into one the songs on Death Rap, so pick it up, fan of him or not, you'll enjoy this album throught guaranteed!
Face down on the bed, pillow case over ya head
lamp cord choked, leave everyone in the place dead
Knife to ya chest, ya colon flexes
slashing the word war in your solar plexus
Face down on the bed, pillow case over ya head
lamp cord choked, leave everyone in the place dead
Knife to ya chest, ya colon flexes
slashing the word war in your solar plexus

You heard what he said.. Don't Get Bit.

Finally! a good choice for the books. i always tend to buy movies based on other reviews and cover art, only to get home and want nothing more than to toss the shitty movie and pretend it never happened. I stayed cautious with this one and rented it; found it very entertaining. Not only was the acting ok (not fucking awful) but all the zombie scenes worked, based on angle and actual talent on the effects table. There were many good aspects of this film; No set really had to be made and the snow covered forrest where filming took place was atmosphere enough. Seeing one of main Characters wearing a Braindead t shirt let me know there were not only going to be insane deaths in the film, but it also reassured me that Peter Jackson type gore was coming into play real soon. Didn't disapoint, and throughout the movie, everyone's face and body were daoused in blood. Check this one out... a new good zombie movie!
Erlend: [In English, quoting Indiana Jones] Fortune and glory, kid... Fortune and glory.
Erlend: [In English, quoting Indiana Jones] Fortune and glory, kid... Fortune and glory.

Are You Hitting On Me?

Wow. After seeing this movie i had to take a shower. Not only did it have as many (if not more) laughs as Previous film Borat; but it contained some disturbing scenes that left me asking "They can show that?" Starring Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno, the uber famous Austrian trying to make a name for himself in the US of A. He tries every single way possibly thought of to get famous; including attempts at a sex tape, trading an African child for an ipod and showing him off as an acessory, even trying to get kidnapped. Watching Cohen set up situations which are extremley uncomfortable for people unaware they are being filmed may seem like a bad excuse for a TV show, but there's something about him that has you in tears from laughter as that certain segment ends. I'm sure there are many on the differnet sides about if this is actually humourus or just stupid and i for sure am on the side of the people laughing and enjoying themselves... FOR SURE.
Bruno: This baby is a total Dick Magnet.
Bruno: This baby is a total Dick Magnet.

Think, While you still can...

Awesome cartoon! This movie delivers as an old man wanders the city in search of a new pair of shoes; only to find thousands of zombies headed his way.. and Hungry for flesh! Quite alot of ass kicking unfolds in the duration of this movie, a shitload of gore and a good zombie movie in a whole new light; Cartoon form! A great deal more layed back, just a walker dripping with blood from the hands of the old man Fred.

They will make cemeteries their catherdrals..

..And Tombs Your Cities!
This movie came out in the perfect year, right smack dab in the middle of some of the best there are, and it was heavy contender. Starting with a scratch on a prostitutes face at a movie theater and ending with mass violent death and awesome heavy metal as the soundtrack to the bloodshed. Vile mutations, so much footage of teeth coming out and maturing into fangs; and nails becoming nails with the deadliest of intentions. The movie they were actually watching during the film also seemed pretty good in itself, especially how shit just starts the same way. This film was nomiated in 1986 from International Fantasy Film Award for the best film; good shit, took the prize in my mind. Went on to make a very sucsseful sequel to it, with just the same amount of kickass music and demons running amok!
Cheryl: I don't know how to explain it, but it's the movie that's making this happen!
Tony the Pimp: She's right, she put on that mask and scratched herself, get it? Because of that scratch, she became a demon. An instrument of evil, like they said in the damn movie, you heard it. We got to stop it I tell you, we got to stop the movie!
This movie came out in the perfect year, right smack dab in the middle of some of the best there are, and it was heavy contender. Starting with a scratch on a prostitutes face at a movie theater and ending with mass violent death and awesome heavy metal as the soundtrack to the bloodshed. Vile mutations, so much footage of teeth coming out and maturing into fangs; and nails becoming nails with the deadliest of intentions. The movie they were actually watching during the film also seemed pretty good in itself, especially how shit just starts the same way. This film was nomiated in 1986 from International Fantasy Film Award for the best film; good shit, took the prize in my mind. Went on to make a very sucsseful sequel to it, with just the same amount of kickass music and demons running amok!
Cheryl: I don't know how to explain it, but it's the movie that's making this happen!
Tony the Pimp: She's right, she put on that mask and scratched herself, get it? Because of that scratch, she became a demon. An instrument of evil, like they said in the damn movie, you heard it. We got to stop it I tell you, we got to stop the movie!

We Will Burn Your Cities Down!

The fourth studio album from the nine piece Iowa natives Slipknot. With nearly 4 years since the last release for slipknot, this one came right in time when people around started to ask if slipknot was done or not, out comes this album as well as quite a few tours to support the worldwide release. Over 5 million copies were sold. No idea how that's possibly done; my band has a hard time selling more than 20 or so copies of our CDs. They reached an audience who were looking for them about 10 years ago with their self titled release; and since then there has been no turning back and punch after punch in the face releases. Good shit overall, except for about two or so songs i don't believe they all agreed to put on the CD itself.
Feed the hungry, feed them shit...
Feed them bones and bullet tips.
Feed the hungry, feed them shit...
Feed them bones and bullet tips.