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About me
Hopefully my collection says enough about me. Been collecting movies, figures and posters on my own and going to conventions as well. I'm also a vegatarian, have been for over five years now. None of that bullshit where I eat chicken and fish, they are animals too. my favorite place to eat is Moe's. Hopefully your town has a Moe's. Anything else you need to know, feel me to contact me. Stay Dead.Occupation: Camp director at Camp Crystal Lake
SingleAbout my collections
With a single bite, Your whole life can changeYour body breaks down as your cells rearrange
No way to fight it, you're doomed from the start
Left with an instinct to tear humans apart.
13 votes
Movies Not on DVD, Yet I Have Them Anyway
(32 items)Movie list by pamela voorhees Published 16 years ago
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Bands I've Seen Live
(48 items)Person list by pamela voorhees Published 15 years, 6 months ago
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Directors I've Met
(23 items)Person list by pamela voorhees Published 15 years, 6 months ago
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Actors/Actresses I've Met
(131 items)Person list by pamela voorhees Published 16 years, 3 months ago
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Recent reviews
Botched review

Hiest man Ritchie keeps on screwing up his "last" hiest in order to pay a debt off to a russian mob man. upon route to exiting a very simple robbery in which the russians assistant cared to join (and screw up by killing when there was no need to) the elevator jams and lets them off on the 13th floor; a floor which is unacessable and unknown by any other part of the building. after having no choice, the passengers on the elevator reluctant to get off in the first place now become hostages and before long all must team up to leave the building alive.
This movie was awesome! simple enough, eh? one of the many movies i picked up at a nearby closing video store, yet one of the few which surprised me and made me laugh. Not too many actually scary parts, but a horror movie non the less. on top of having extreme gore to indroduce it has a horror flick, it is packed with laughs around every corner (literaly), funny accents on people you know dont come from Russia, and a good looking girl to stay by the side of Mr. Dorff. Really through she somehow came into plan and there was going to be one last twist at the end, but when all was done and the credits came on the screen, i was happy with how it ended and glad i didnt have another frisbee as oppose to a good dvd. nothing too silly to bring you out the aspect of an event as oppose to a movie, hate that in flicks. Even though you are firmiliar with a few of the cast memebers, you still feel like this is an adventure all anew for each of them.

Pandorum review

Teasers for this plagued the movie trailer slots for the year of 2009 and made this film seem alot more calm and flasley intense, much like scares of that from The Grudge or movies like that. Little did i know whne my friend put on this dvd, that i would not want to watch something else or look away while smoking a much deserved blunt, but instead pay close attention to the film as darkness is always a problem in a well lit room. The story panned out well also, and gave time to slowly unravel what is happening currently, what disaster took place prior, and what shit is about to hit the fan in the near future. the ending seemed very "episode 3" and by that i mean the clock wound down on the film's duration and the last piece was put together to bring a little too much to the table, hard to swallow that much in that little time. Beggining with a man from a flight crew waking up out of a hypersleep only to find himself alone and full of questions he couldent answer. Waking up his luitenant and getting his help and guidence, he heads to repower the ship manually, only to find he is not alone. As the pieces slowly come together, other characters introduce themselves in both threatning and life saving manners. Though it isn't clear if these non human beings are mutated humans who boarded the craft to sail off to Tanis in search of a new planet or if they boarded the ship and feasted on passengers while in hypersleep; but there are alot more of them than living people and they are PISSED OFF and born/mutated to hunt. Savage to the point where the second one of they're own dies, they gather round and eat that hunter/alien's remains (guess hot meals are hard to come by). Glad no living person possesed superhuman strength or special ability throughout, a loophole the filmmakers could have expored but chose to keep the game fair and the battles real. Again, sucks i didnt see this one in theatres.. however, im hoping to forget the flick entirley and see it sometime next year in my own environment to experience the film in all it's glory.
Tanis Year One / Population 1213...

The Horde (2009) review

Covering and perfecting many aspects of horror, as seen in the past few flicks put out in France, one topic was still left untouched; Zombies. Through shown a sneak peak of misformed humans who eat other living people's flesh in the film Frontier(s), we have yet to see people die and then come back. Boy, was it worth the wait! The Horde not only tackles and annihilates recent American zombie flicks, it also keeps the rawness to it and portrays characters you love to hate. Opening up with an unsucessful attempt on revenge by three cops (or so they claim) on a gang who murdered they're friend, the group finds theselves looking down barrels of guns and fearing they're lives will end shortly with no justice served, yet before they know it; the two rivals must unite temporarily in order to stay alive from a destroyed town's post mordem creations headed right for them. From the top of the run down apartment complex's roof, the surviving members of both the gang and police see what complete mayhem has ensued over the city. Explosions on a "one after another" basis, and the clouds dark yet lit up with smoke and fire like a fourth of july gone horribly wrong. I really enjoyed this movie, the fact that no one can be trusted at anytime really added to the intensity of the situation they were in. not only must each gang member or cop be aware of zombies from all angles running (yes, the french zombies are fast) towards them, but they must keep they're living breathing enemy in they're sights and make sure they don't fall victim to weakness and surprise. Seeing the survivors after meeting with a great comic relief character on the first floor really put them in the light of similarity to the video game Left 4 Dead. a vet, a black guy in a suit, a woman and a diesel badass.. sound firmiliar? Copies are not availble on dvd for this movie, i actually had to seek outside sources; but if anyone wants to watch this and not wait for it to come out in Region 1, let me know!

Murder Party review

Hearing good things about it from the person next to me as i held this film in my hand, i was almost left with no choice but to buy in front of them, for if i didnt, that might have directly insinuated my dsitrust for that friends opinon on movies, and perhaps all together. hell, for the pirce it was, i didnt really feel it would be a problem. the back of the dvd said something about combining two movies i liked, so when i got the free time to watch it, i popped it in.
The movie starts with a normal, middle aged (maybe a bit younger) man walking around town the night of or before halloween, when he suddenly steps on an invitation to a "Murder" Party. With nothing to do for the night, the man named chris heads home and looks for a costume for this party. Tho the mask he donned in the first few seconds seemed kooler, chris decides to cut up the box his old halloween costume came in and just make something out of that.
Within the first minute of him getting to the location of the party, you meet just about all the characters, you can feel how this film is going to go, and someone actually dies acidentally already! Lured into a trap set by a few select sick artists, Chris has become the one person who actually showed up to a party of his own death, and is tied to a chair until the group can find out how and what way they're leader wants him dead.
There were a couple interesting parts ot the film that made it stand out in mind, like the group (including Chris tied to the chair) get a shot of truth serum.. just for kicks, as well as the persona each character takes, showing that no matter which one you are or like, every artist is a wierd duesche in their own way. Every death was long, gory and drawn out too; things that woul normally floor a person immediatley would just have one of thepeople in this film talking for a bit and not realize theyre fatal wound, even complaining while dying.. holy shit!! haha, but nontheless a pretty good film overall. i dont see myself putting it on all the time and watching it alone, like the calibur of Dead and Breakfast or Black sheep, but still one that i could reccomend and play at MY OWN Death Parties!!!
Bill: Fuck the scene! Everyone dies!

They Wont Kill You, But They'll Blame You.

Lawrence Talbot: [from trailer] I am what I say I am... a monster.

Reeker's Back!!

Sleeps Six Bloody Comfortably.

David: I found the other part of your foot.
Peter: o yea? what did you do with it?
David: i lost it, sorry.

Nilbog! It's goblin spelled backwards!

Sheriff Freak: There're sandwiches for tonight in here! It'll go easier on you if you eat'em. It'll make our work easy. Otherwise, we'll be forced to kill you VIOLENTLY!
[Throws bag at front door]
Drugstore Owner: It would be a shame! The blood would mix with the meat, and we'd have to leave it in vinegar for the whole night!

Did you do a lot of drugs before we were married?

Wendy Potter: Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, pease porridge in the pot nine days old.

A Mega-Dose of Pure Terror!

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"HAHAHA thats funny king! i actually JUST got back from a con in Chicago and a con in Philly, went by myself so took no pictures, no way to.. :( however i will be updating this list tomrrow with all th"

"Not Well Done? Really? im sorry you feel that way :/ SLEEVE NO. 2 STARTS IN DECEMBER!!"

"haha i thought Carpenter was dead for a year or two.. i got a pic with Argento, just waiting on the asshole who took it to send it to me."

"Holy shit! this list is in my mind one of the BEST and most important lists to me as a vegetarian, one for the books! if this gets updates, please let me know!! -S"

"Zach and miri make a porno: when Jason mewes pulls out and the director gets "frosted like a fucking birthday cake!" and dogma with the shit monster!"

"Stay tuned would def go good on this list, otherwise, good stuff!"

"haha, that's right! much more to come in the near future!"

"sick list! i thought there were more on they're list"

"No the pics WILL follow, check back on monday all.. im actually at the tat shop now getting my sleeve finished with TARMAN!!"
I really think that they should finish the Rejects trilogy.
Thats so cool that ur gonna see Sid Haig!
Tell him he has my full support for another Rejects flick.
Ha but my lists are a mess and it will be a slow work in progress :)
I also recommend the New Blood Deluxe Edition. ALL of the deleted kills (including some plot-related deleted scenes) are in there, commentary with John Carl Buechler, Kane Hodder, and Lar Park Lincoln, a featurette on telekinesis, a making-of featurrete, and a featurette where the girls who played Maddy and Robin meet up after all these years and... you guessed it... get a makeover.
Most would find it sick (but something tells me you wouldn't), and it has actually been labeled a "murder simulator" by the media. The first Manhunt is also available for the PS2 if you're interested and it's also a great game. But I will warn you, Rockstar had to put a filter over the executions in MH2 because the ESRB gave the uncut version an Adults Only rating. In order to obtain a Mature rating, the kills weren't removed, but given a grainy discolored filter instead.
I know, not a horror movie, but it's as close to a balls-to-the-wall torture flick as you'd ever see in a video game. I guess that counts for something.
I recommend you watch The Last House on the Left (2009)
I think you'd really like this and, if you haven't seen it already, it is DEFINITELY a remake worth catching.